Teacher arrested for having sex with a pregnant 14-year-old student

14 வயது மாணவனுடன் உறவு வைத்து கர்ப்பமான டீச்சர் கைது

Texas: 14-year-old student studying in the United States has a relationship with his teacher was arrested Pregnancy.

Amanda cotalo his name. Married. Peskar County in Texas was a teacher at the school in the area.

He studied with 14-year-old student who was friendly with the teacher. Keep the relationship with the student. If the relationship has often pregnant.

Nitittatam this relationship for many months. The student told his fellow students about the relationship. It has just come out of the spread.

The teacher was arrested. During the trial that he had sex with the student, the teacher admitted that she was pregnant with.

He was subsequently arrested. 36-year-old teacher, have two children.

Relationship with a teacher at least once a week during the trial that had put the student said in court. These relations have continued to put in the teacher's home.

  For the first time in July kontanaram both past relationship. Totarntatam relationship then weekly. The teacher is currently out on bail and had been arrested.

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