Pull the plug by Google Reader RSS Reader is the best alternative to Google when it was ( and still is ) , I quickly became Feedly . Feedly is an important part of the user does not click on any web page with an RSS feed to subscribe to the Chrome extension that was a .
I needed something that was shocking because the extension of my own , I ( easy writing a Chrome extension ) wrote it on and Google Chrome Store . The last time I had my Chrome Developer Dashboard , received an extension in Chrome 30000 + user .
Google Chrome Extensions are tricky to earn money
One morning I had someone ( I tried using his name , but it returned no results ) I would be interested in selling Feedly Chrome extension received an email from me asking . This is something that takes an hour to create a 4- figure deal to offer and I agreed . I had no clue about the buyer , which is why anyone would want to pay this kind of money for such a simple Chrome extension to also interested .
I sent them money through the extension of the extension of the transfer of ownership of a particular Google account , was sold . It was a smooth transition .
A month later , Feedly for Chrome extension, the new owners have pushed an update in store . No , the update brings new features to the table , which does not come with any amendments . Instead , they were linked to the expansion of advertising .
You work in the background and every website you visit related links instead of links and ads that are invisible , the web pages banner ads regularis to . If the extension is activated in Chrome , in plain English , it must incorporate all the Web pages adware .
I needed something that was shocking because the extension of my own , I ( easy writing a Chrome extension ) wrote it on and Google Chrome Store . The last time I had my Chrome Developer Dashboard , received an extension in Chrome 30000 + user .
Google Chrome Extensions are tricky to earn money
One morning I had someone ( I tried using his name , but it returned no results ) I would be interested in selling Feedly Chrome extension received an email from me asking . This is something that takes an hour to create a 4- figure deal to offer and I agreed . I had no clue about the buyer , which is why anyone would want to pay this kind of money for such a simple Chrome extension to also interested .
I sent them money through the extension of the extension of the transfer of ownership of a particular Google account , was sold . It was a smooth transition .
A month later , Feedly for Chrome extension, the new owners have pushed an update in store . No , the update brings new features to the table , which does not come with any amendments . Instead , they were linked to the expansion of advertising .
You work in the background and every website you visit related links instead of links and ads that are invisible , the web pages banner ads regularis to . If the extension is activated in Chrome , in plain English , it must incorporate all the Web pages adware .